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Article: CBD for painful periods

Le CBD est une molécule naturelle extraite du cannabis, il est très efficace pour soulager les douleurs liées aux règles

CBD for painful periods

Every month, many women experience the inconvenience and discomfort caused by their periods. Many symptoms such as headaches, back pain, terrible cramps, digestive disorders or even mood swings related to their periods can significantly affect daily life.

Nearly one in two women suffer from painful periods . Faced with this observation, natural solutions have been developed to effectively relieve them.

Among them, CBD, or cannabidiol, would be an effective solution to combat menstrual pain suffered by women.

Why are periods painful?

In order to facilitate blood flow, the uterus contracts. This can cause more or less severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation.

Additionally, the phenomenon of menstrual inflammation may be due to hormonal imbalance, which usually occurs in the first cycles during puberty.

However, these pains can be linked to a more severe pathology such as endometriosis. This is a chronic gynecological disease, which affects one in ten women .

It is characterized by the development of a uterine lining (endometrium) outside the uterus, surrounding other organs. It is therefore strongly recommended to consult a doctor to treat it as soon as possible.

In addition, uterine contractions can be enhanced by the presence of large amounts of the hormone prostaglandin.

Finally, a study highlighted the role of a protein called C-reactive protein (or CRP) in the onset of premenstrual syndrome. The latter is a disorder that manifests itself by irritability, anxiety, difficulty managing emotions, a depressive state, breast pain or even headaches that occur during the 7 or 10 days preceding the cycle.

What is CBD (cannabidiol)?

CBD (cannabidiol) is extracted from the hemp plant

CBD (cannabidiol) is a molecule from the hemp plant, also called cannabis. CBD belongs to the cannabinoid family, it is the second most studied cannabinoid after THC.

However, unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD has no psychotropic effects and its consumption does not create any dependency. Thus, cannabidiol is not considered a narcotic and is legal in France.

Increasingly popular in France in recent years, CBD is a 100% natural product that is said to have many therapeutic virtues. Consuming CBD would help calm emotional stress, promote relaxation, facilitate falling asleep, or even relieve pain and inflammation.

CBD for painful periods

CBD could be an alternative and an effective natural solution to relieve menstrual pain .

In fact, CBD would be considered a catalyst of sorts. By acting on the nervous system to reduce the impact of pain, CBD transmits the message to the body to not take pain stimuli into consideration.

By activating CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body, CBD may help better manage pain and therefore be effective in relieving female ailments.

Scientific studies have shown that receptors exist in the cells of the uterus, meaning that the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD could directly soothe menstrual pain.

How to take CBD and in what form?

Today, there are many CBD-based products (capsules, chewing gum, infusions, CBD candies , gummies, oils, food products, e-liquids for electronic cigarettes, etc.), to choose according to your personal preferences.

For optimal effects, it is best to choose a full spectrum CBD oil. This is the most effective way to enjoy the beneficial effects of cannabidiol on menstrual pain.


Délicure Period Care CBD Oil, ideal for relieving menstrual pain

To soothe period pain , Délicure has created the very first full spectrum CBD oil specially designed for symptoms related to periods and menopause.

This CBD oil is vegan, made in France with high quality CBD and contains less than 0.3% THC.

Composition of CBD Period Care oil – painful periods

Unlike the many CBD oils found on the market, composed of refined coconut oil (MCT oil), Délicure's organic CBD oil for painful periods is based on 100% natural and organic sweet almond vegetable oil. It is therefore a high-quality product, a few drops of oil are enough to relieve menstrual pain but also all the discomforts caused by pre-menopause (hot flashes, headaches, muscle pain, etc.).

In addition to containing full spectrum CBD, Délicure CBD oil is composed of two essential oils with beneficial effects on the body. First of all, clary sage essential oil is ideal for combating hormonal imbalances suffered by women such as menstrual cycle disorders, dysmenorrhea, painful breasts, heavy periods, menstrual pain or even endometriosis. Then, peppermint essential oil is known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory action, making it a real ally for soothing women's ailments.

Tips for using CBD Period Care oil – painful periods

The most effective and common way to consume CBD oil is to put a few drops under the tongue and wait 50 seconds before swallowing. The product passes directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes, so the effects of CBD will be felt very quickly.

It is also possible to put the drops of CBD oil in a drink (tea, coffee, juice, etc.) or in a dish.


CBD Period Care Oil Dosage – Painful Periods

At the very beginning, it is advisable to take 4 to 5 drops of oil, 1 to 2 times a day and gradually increase the amount consumed until the desired effects are obtained. However, you should not exceed 50mg of CBD per day. The oil drops can be consumed at any time of the day , to prevent or alleviate period-related pain.

Other CBD products from Délicure

Délicure also markets other CBD-based products such as CBD gummies , candies and other organic CBD oils aimed at stress, sleep and pain.

Just like Period Care CBD oil, they are made in France, vegan and do not contain THC.

These products are exclusively reserved for adults.

Before any consumption, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people undergoing medication are advised to consult their doctor.


Watch our video on the 8 most asked questions about CBD:

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