5 tips to reduce anxiety attacks
An anxiety attack is an intense anxiety disorder that often occurs when a person feels unsafe. It is associated with fear, fear, trauma, pressure or even strong apprehension.
A person who is naturally anxious is more likely to have one or more anxiety or panic attacks during their life. However, anyone can suffer one brutally and without any particular cause.
During an anxiety attack, the body manifests itself and reveals symptoms such as sweating, chills, palpitations and tremors, muscle spasms, dizziness and chest pain. These are the same symptoms as the spasmophilia attack. They are more or less spectacular, and can aggravate the fear and emotions felt by the affected person.
Anxiety slows down brain activity by impairing decision-making, problem solving and even concentration.
Anxiety and panic attacks do not have a negative impact on health and are not life-threatening, however, they can impress or even traumatize (regardless of their level of intensity) the affected person and their surroundings.
The duration of the attack varies, it can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
When the affected person no longer feels in control of the situation, they can apply a few tips, without resorting to medication, to calm their anxiety and stress. Even if during the crisis the mind is in panic, the body remains receptive.
Here are 5 tips to reduce or anticipate anxiety attacks:
- Isolate yourself and get help: it is strongly recommended to isolate yourself in a quiet place to regain your senses, and to stay there until the crisis is over. Ideally, asking for help or staying close to a loved one helps calm and reassure you.
- Accept your anxiety attack: instead of fighting to make your crisis disappear, you must let it come, observe it and accept it. Letting go and trying to understand your fear is therefore the best solution to calm it.
- Work on your breathing: in such a situation, it is normal to hyperventilate. It is therefore important to work on your breathing, with simple exercises so as not to accentuate the symptoms. For example, start by breathing slowly and deeply into your abdomen, then inhale and hold the air in your lungs for 12 seconds, then exhale through your mouth for six seconds. This is called cardiac coherence.
- Practice mindfulness meditation: when you are going through an anxiety attack, it is sometimes difficult to control your thoughts. Practicing a mindfulness exercise (full awareness meditation) consists of voluntarily focusing your attention on something specific or on positive images to reposition yourself in the present. The goal is to calm your mind through mindfulness.
- Treat yourself naturally: using adaptogenic and anti-stress plants in different forms (infusions or food supplements) helps reduce anxiety. They are alternatives to chemical medicines and do not present any danger to health.
In addition, essential oils known for their calming power allow you to naturally manage a panic attack. Breathing ylang-ylang, lavender, marjoram or sweet orange oil for a few minutes helps calm excitement and reduce nervous disorders and anxiety.
Aromatherapy, particularly an infusion with chamomile, valerian or linden, has also been shown to be effective in alleviating symptoms of anxiety and promoting relaxation and breathing.
Food supplements to reduce anxiety attacks or excess stress
To reduce anxiety and stress, Délicure offers several ranges of gummies to relax and calm anxiety disorders. One of them is called Stress gummies and plays an important role in preventing anxiety attacks and any psychological or physical manifestation associated with stress.
Délicure also offers CBD oils, including Chill & Relax oil which provides a feeling of well-being, facilitates relaxation and acts against emotional stress. It is therefore also useful to avoid the symptoms of anxiety attacks.
If a person is often subject to panic attacks, it is strongly recommended that they consult a doctor to find a solution, adequate treatment or behavioral and cognitive therapies.
To avoid experiencing an anxiety attack again, practicing a sporting activity can be useful to reduce stress and contribute to physical and mental well-being. Finally, it is obviously recommended to have a healthy lifestyle as well as sufficient sleep.