5 tips for treating damaged hair
On a daily basis, hair is subjected to many aggressions such as pollution, the sun, or the use of heating appliances and harmful products. Dietary deficiencies, pathologies, stress disorders can also be the cause of damaged hair.
The hair fiber has no natural defense mechanism; when it is weakened, the hair loses its vitality and resistance. The scales lift and the hair becomes dry and brittle. This is what is called the "split ends" phenomenon, the hair splits or a white dot generally appears at the tip of the hair. The hair fiber is exposed, worthy of a tree that has lost its bark.
When hair is too damaged, it is best to make an appointment with your hairdresser to cut off all the damaged lengths. Otherwise, the split ends can spread further and cause more significant and irreversible damage to the hair.
Here are the best tips to follow to regain healthy and healthy hair:

1 - Don't wash your hair too often
It is not recommended to wash your hair too often because the limestone present in the water damages it. The ideal is to wash it once or twice a week, with a gentle shampoo without aggressive chemical ingredients. Products composed of surfactants (sulfates), silicones, quaternary ammonium, PEG, denatured alcohols, synthetic fragrances and preservatives are chemical and toxic for the hair. In the long term, they cause harmful consequences for the hair such as a state of dryness, a dull color or abundant loss.
Also, avoid washing them with hot water because it irritates and promotes hair breakage.
When rinsing, do not leave any shampoo or treatment residue. This can suffocate the hair fiber, create itching or make the hair greasy. It is therefore necessary to rinse it with clean water several times and finish with a jet of cold water to tighten the hair scales.
2 - Do treatments and masks to hydrate the hair
When your hair is damaged, it is essential to use nourishing and moisturizing treatments to strengthen and protect the hair fiber. They must be natural, preferably from organic farming, unlike some treatments sold in supermarkets that have a chemical composition that can seriously damage the hair rather than treating it.
Oil baths are the best friend of damaged hair. Indeed, vegetable oils (castor, coconut, avocado, argan, jojoba, etc.) contain good fatty acids and ceramides that nourish and coat the hair fiber.
Masks with vegetable butters (shea, coconut, almond) are also very effective for repairing damaged hair.
Ideally, doing an oil bath or mask once a week for several months is recommended to restore shine and strength to your hair. Their application time can range from 30 minutes to several hours, or even a full night.
In addition, to accelerate hair growth and therefore regain a healthy hair base, you can perform scalp massages with your fingertips. This helps to relax and promote blood circulation in the scalp.

3 - Use good, non-aggressive everyday products
Hair care products such as serums, hairsprays, waxes, gels, sprays or styling mousses must also, as mentioned above, not contain chemicals. There is a free application called "Clean Beauty" that allows you to scan the barcode of beauty products (for hair, skin or nails) to determine whether they are good or bad for your health.
To avoid further damage to your hair, it is recommended to use a soft bristle brush to style it, sleep on a satin/evening pillowcase to avoid friction, use satin/evening scrunchies to tie it gently and avoid hairstyles that are too tight.
4 - Reduce or even stop the use of heating devices

Heat sources, hair dryers, heated brushes, straighteners and curling irons damage hair. The heat will denature the hair molecules and thus cause breakage. Their use should therefore be limited, especially when you already have weakened hair.
It is best to use your hair dryer on a cold setting, or if possible, leave your hair out in the open air.
5 - Improve your diet and take food supplements to nourish your hair
To maintain beautiful hair, the secret is to have a varied and balanced diet. It is necessary to favor a diet rich in proteins, vitamins (A, C, E, B6, B8, B9, B12) and minerals (zinc, iron, etc.). It promotes the production of keratin, the strengthening of the structure of the hair fiber as well as hair growth.
Foods to eat include meat (especially chicken), oily fish, whole grains, dried fruits and vegetables without moderation.
In addition, drinking enough water (between 1.5L and 2L) helps maintain a healthy scalp thanks to better blood circulation and therefore promotes good hair growth.
Sometimes, a healthy and balanced diet is not enough to deeply nourish and repair your hair , so food supplements come into play. They are available in different forms: powder, oral solution, capsules, tablets, ampoules or gummies.
To maintain beautiful hair, Délicure offers a new range of “ Hair Gummies ”, gummies made from blueberry (which activates the microcirculation of the hair), vitamins (B6, B8, B9, B12 E) and minerals (zinc and selenium). The recommended daily dose is 2 gummies per day.
These products should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle. In case of excessive hair loss, it is advisable to go to a doctor who will prescribe a complete blood test to identify if there are any deficiencies or pathology affecting the health of the hair.
Continue to maintain healthy hair
Once your hair has regained its shine and strength, you need to continue to maintain it to prevent the appearance of split ends or hair loss. There are other tips to follow to ensure better hair care.