CBD gummies to calm stress
Currently in France, the CBD market is enjoying undeniable success and this trend is expected to continue in the years to come.
Indeed, CBD is a natural product that is gaining popularity among consumers, due to its potential therapeutic virtues.
What is CBD?
The term “CBD” stands for cannabidiol, a molecule derived from hemp plants (also called cannabis sativa). Hemp is a plant native to Asia, used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties and health benefits.
CBD is the second most famous cannabinoid after THC. These two molecules are part of the large family of cannabinoids.
CBD is sometimes confused with THC, known as the psychotropic molecule in cannabis that causes “high” effects.
CBD and THC, what are the differences?
Although CBD and THC both come from the hemp plant and belong to the same cannabinoid family, they act differently on the body.
THC is often used for recreational purposes, in fact, its consumption leads to psychotropic effects and in most cases, addiction. It changes the consumer's state of consciousness and alters their mood, thinking and behavior. THC is therefore considered a substance dangerous to health and is prohibited for consumption in France.
While CBD is preferred to naturally relieve certain ailments of daily life such as stress, anxiety or pain. Unlike THC, CBD does not create psychotropic effects or addiction, and is therefore not dangerous for health.
The consumption of products containing cannabidiol is therefore legal in France. However, in order to comply with the regulations in force on cannabidiol, the THC content of these products must not exceed 0.2%. If this is not the case, these cannabidiol-based products are prohibited from sale and are subject to criminal legislation on the fight against narcotics.
Cannabidiol products are very often sold in pharmacies and specialist stores called “CBD shops”.
CBD to calm stress and anxiety

Despite some scientific studies , cannabidiol is considered a new molecule by the French authorities, so we cannot say that it would prove to be effective in naturally relieving and treating stress and anxiety, and thus regaining mental well-being.
It is important to know that CBD interacts with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system associated with anxiety, pain and stress.
However, as seen above, in the absence of authorized claims for the CBD molecule, we cannot say that CBD helps reduce stress, we will simply say that CBD and in this case CBD gummies are consumed to promote relaxation.
CBD, how to consume it?
Traditionally, cannabidiol is consumed in the form of an infusion to drink, or as an oil to place directly under the tongue. Organic CBD oil is also one of the cannabidiol-based products that offers optimal bioavailability. Indeed, putting the drops of oil under the tongue, a place rich in blood capillaries, facilitates rapid diffusion of the molecule towards the bloodstream and the receptors of the endocannabinoid system. Organic CBD oil is thus appreciated by cannabidiol consumers to quickly feel the effects of CBD. The disadvantage of these products is the bitter taste which is sometimes feared by cannabidiol consumers.
CBD can also be consumed in an innovative and delicious form such as gummies . These are gelled candies, with fruity flavors, which contain a cannabidiol extract. They have the advantage of masking the bitterness of cannabidiol and offering a real moment of relaxation and pleasure!
Why choose CBD gummies?
Looking like treats, CBD gummies are popular with cannabidiol consumers. Indeed, CBD gummies are different from classic cannabidiol capsules and tablets that tend to look like medications.
In addition, just like candy, CBD gummies have a delicious fruit flavor that makes you want to consume them. In addition to a moment of relaxation, CBD gummies provide a pure moment of indulgence every day.
To consume them, it is very simple, just bite a few gummies and savor their delicious flavor. These soft candies do not require water to be ingested.
Finally, CBD gummies can be carried anywhere with you to relieve pain and enjoy the relaxing effects of cannabidiol. Packaged in a jar, these soft candies can be taken to work, university or even on vacation, to relax .
Délicure CBD Gummies
Délicure offers CBD gummies with natural lemon flavors, vegan and guaranteed without THC, the psychotropic molecule in cannabis.
CBD gummies are intended for anyone who wants to relax in a natural and delicious way.
Formulation of CBD gummies
These are soft candies that contain high-quality cannabidiol, extracted from European hemp, but not only! Délicure has chosen to combine cannabidiol with three vitamins (B3, B6, B9 and D) that play an essential role in the proper functioning of the nervous system. The latter have the virtue of protecting it from the harmful effects caused by emotional stress.
The formulation of these CBD gummies provides many benefits and is therefore ideal for relaxing naturally.
Tips for using CBD gummies
One gummy (soft candy) contains 10mg of cannabidiol, which is convenient for choosing the dosage of CBD you want to consume.
To benefit from their effects, it is advisable to chew three CBD gummies per day. Not causing side effects, these soft candies can be consumed at any time of the day to calm stress and regain serenity.
In parallel with taking CBD, it is obviously recommended to remove, if possible, any source of stress and to favor anti-stress activities on a daily basis. Reading a book, taking a hot bath, listening to soft music, working on your breathing or practicing sports are activities that help to chase away stress and find calm on a daily basis!
Contraindications of CBD gummies
CBD gummies, as well as all cannabidiol-based products, are intended for adults. However, people undergoing medical treatment and pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised to seek the advice of a doctor or healthcare professional before consuming CBD products.