Microbiota and immunity
Microbiota are absolutely dominant in our biological immunity. In fact, microbiota are, very generically, the set of all “microorganisms present in a living organism”, primarily in humans. Every part of our body is made up of and houses all of these bacteria and microorganisms. We are therefore talking about intestinal, skin, pulmonary, vaginal microbiota… Each organism has several hundred billion of them, even more than our own cells. As with any rate in the body, it is the balance that must be aimed for and achieved. When the balance of the microbiota is optimal, we speak of “eubiosis”, when we are out of balance we speak of “dysbiosis”. Any imbalance immediately causes effects on our body: fatigue, nausea, migraines, diarrhea, constipation, etc. which directly indicate an immune deficiency. Regarding overall immunity, the most important microbiota to monitor and maintain are the gut microbiota.
Gut microbiota and immunity
The microbiota, present everywhere in the human body, are more or less active and have an impact on this or that aspect of the body.
The intestinal microbiota alone are responsible for around 70% of the immune cells in our overall body. The gut microbiota and immunity are said to be interdependent. In fact, the superficial element of the intestinal wall, this internal mucosa which lines the intestine, has a selective barrier function, in particular by ensuring sealing against pathogens. In fact, the highest density of bacteria in the body is located in the intestines and colon, so it is this location that is responsible for the body's overall immunity. It is therefore essential and essential to take care of it in order to take care of your immunity .
Food supplements
Among food supplements, those that contain probiotics are often favored in order to act on the microbiota, and therefore to have a direct effect on your immunity. Their action is notably to balance and even enrich the intestinal flora as well as to limit digestive disorders. Whatever your age, they strengthen your natural defenses. It is therefore essential to consume probiotics , so that their action on the intestinal microbiota guarantees you the best possible immunity.