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Article: How to repair your dry hair?

Conseils pour nourrir et hydrater les cheveux secs.

How to repair your dry hair?

Dry hair is recognizable by its rough texture, its straw effect, its split ends or even its dull color. Their state of fatigue can be explained for many reasons: using the wrong products, overuse of heating devices, coloring, a lack of sebum or even the environment (sun, wind, cold, etc.).

For hair to be shiny and supple, it must have its dose of keratin . This protein, which constitutes 95% of it, hydrates it and protects it from external aggressions. However, if it is not sufficiently irrigated, the hair fiber becomes dehydrated and ends up breaking.

Fortunately, solutions exist to repair dry and damaged hair. Here are some tips to integrate into your beauty routine to transform them into healthy hair:

Avoid chemical coloring

Avoid coloring to avoid damaging your hair!

Repeated chemical coloring damages the scalp and the lengths of the hair. They contain aggressive active ingredients which weaken and damage the hair fiber, causing the hair to become rougher and more brittle.

If the hair is dry and/or brittle by nature, coloring it frequently may accentuate this aspect. It is therefore advisable to space out or completely ban coloring.

To hide white hair, there are colorings with natural components that are less aggressive and more respectful of the hair.

Ban heating appliances

All heating appliances such as hair dryers, straighteners or curling irons damage the hair.

Particularly when the hair is naturally dry , using one of these devices risks making it worse. High heat (often around 180°) causes deterioration of the hair fiber.

It is therefore strongly recommended to let your hair air dry, and to blow dry or straighten only very rarely.

Before using a straightener, it is advisable to apply a thermoprotective treatment which, under the effect of heat, releases protective active ingredients and gives a shiny appearance to the hair.

Discover the ideal product to strengthen hair!

Space out shampoos as much as possible

In the long term, washing your hair too frequently weakens the scalp and hair fiber. Hair tends to become drier and is more susceptible to damage.

Ideally, it is recommended to wash your hair a maximum of twice a week to preserve the quality of the hair and prevent breakage.

When hair is oily, the trick is to use dry shampoo or make a bun.

Another important point, when rinsing your hair, you should use cold (or lukewarm) water so as not to weaken the hair fiber. By opening the hair scales, hot water makes the hair porous (meaning it absorbs water and swells, but does not retain moisture well), leading to thinning hair. drier, even brittle.


Choosing the right hair products

Hair products (shampoo, conditioner, mask, lotion, care, etc.) play a crucial role in the well-being of the hair. If they are not of quality or not suitable for naturally dry hair, the latter will remain damaged and become brittle.

You should favor products with the most natural formulas possible, suitable for dry hair and which do not contain harmful ingredients such as silicones and sulfates. Silicones give the illusion that hair is smoother and shinier, but in the long term end up suffocating the hair.

In addition, you also need to choose your hairbrush carefully. Of poor quality or equipped with rigid pins, it can weaken the hair fiber and encourage breakage. Brushes with natural bristles, or wide-toothed combs for curly hair, are more respectful of the hair.

Caring for vegetable oils

Vegetable oils to enhance hair.

Vegetable oils , 100% pure and natural, are the best friends of healthy hair. Indeed, castor oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, argan oil and even jojoba oil have numerous properties to strengthen, nourish and moisturize the hair.

Applied as a treatment, these oils relax the hair fiber and repair it when damaged.

To fully benefit from the benefits of oils, you must carry out, once a week, an oil bath to apply to the entire hair (scalp, lengths and ends). It must be left on for 30 minutes, or even several hours to maximize the effects.

Be careful, however, it is important to rinse your oil bath well, using two shampoos, to eliminate all residues which risk weighing down and making the hair greasy.

The oil bath can replace the conditioner and the mask, it is a real deep treatment.

Trim your ends regularly 

Cutting your ends regularly, especially when you have dry and/or damaged hair with split ends, is an essential step to preserve healthy hair and restore strength.

To maintain beautiful lengths and avoid split ends , the ideal is to go to the hairdresser every three to four months.


Take beauty food supplements


In addition to a balanced diet, essential for maintaining healthy hair, supplementation is an effective solution to strengthen it and promote healthy growth.

There are a multitude of food supplements, rich in nutrients, specially designed to have dream hair, but also to care for your nails and enhance your skin .

Délicure's Bright Hair gummies strengthen the hair fiber.

Délicure offers targeted gummies for hair beauty.

Délicure hair gummies are sugar-free, 100% vegan and made in France with natural flavors. Their formulation, rich in vitamins (B6, B8, B9, B12 and E) and trace elements (zinc and selenium), is ideal for deeply nourishing dry, damaged or brittle hair. They also contain blueberry, which has the effect of stimulating blood circulation to the scalp and thus promoting faster hair growth.


Watch our video on the 9 best vitamins for hair:

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