Cocktails to boost your immunity
Nowadays, our body and our immune defenses are subject to numerous attacks on a daily basis. Since Antiquity, several plants and herbal preparations have helped (depending on the region of the world) to help maintain our immunity throughout the seasons and according to possible deficiencies and needs. But, did you know that certain juices can truly protect, strengthen, and boost your immunity?
The immune system and juices
Our body is made up of two major protective facets: immunity (human physiological) and the immune system (personal and fluctuating).
The immune system specific to each person, also called the “lymphatic system”, is organized around certain specific capital organs such as the spleen, lymph nodes, etc. They in fact act as real radars for any foreign body or any toxic substance ( bacteria, microbes, viruses, parasites, infections, viral diseases, etc.) which would appear as an attack on the immune system.
There are many foods that can help to help our immune systems strengthen so that we can continue to cope effectively. This allows you to protect your body, without going so far as to take medication, solely by improving your diet.

The benefits of juices on the immune system
Among the foods that can help strengthen or boost your immunity, some are extremely common, easily found, very inexpensive, and very effective. These are mainly fruits and vegetables, but also seeds or dried plants. The most effective method of preparation in terms of the concentration of the medical properties of these foods, and the simplest and most relevant absorption technique for individuals, remains the preparation of a juice by mixing the ingredients.
Indeed, to function fully, our immune system requires several diverse, varied and regular nutritional intakes. Any deficiency necessarily impacts our immune system. It is then that the culinary device that we call a “juice extractor” makes it possible to release from the ingredients concerned all the nutrients, nutritional benefits, vitamins and minerals, enzymes, etc. The mode of absorption by ingestion of a liquid also promotes intake, which is then extremely direct and rapid, and requires no additional digestive effort (unlike the absorption of a solid meal for example).
Many juices (often from single fruits) have always been known for their nutritional virtues and their benefits for the body. They are generally consumed in the form of a juice cure, sometimes nowadays as food supplements (capsules or oils), in addition to a balanced diet. We of course include the traditional morning orange juice for vitamin C, carrot juice for vitamin A, sweet potato juice for vitamin A, ginger infusions for blood circulation, digestion and an antiseptic effect. , etc…
The best recipes
Many simple, effective recipes using very common fruits and vegetables are currently available and increasingly widespread. Here is a selection of the best recipes (taste and effectiveness) that you can reproduce simply, quickly, and regularly (without having to go out shopping) at home in order to reboost your body yourself.
* The red cocktail
Ingredients: 1 piece of ginger root (less than 100 g), 2 whole beets, 4 carrots, 1 whole pink grapefruit, 1 whole lemon.
Recipe: Cut all the ingredients into large pieces and put them in the juice extractor. The beet will have the effect of cleansing the blood, the liver, and the entire body. It also helps filter toxins and is very rich in antioxidants. Pink grapefruit and lemon provide the daily intake of vitamin C. Carrot provides a large quantity of vitamin A and antioxidants and helps fight against attacks on the heart or lungs.
* The green cocktail
Ingredients: 1 handful of spinach (less than 100 g), 1 handful of kale (less than 100 g), several sprigs of parsley (less than 50 g), 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 1 lemon.
Recipe: Cut all the ingredients into large pieces and put them in the juice extractor. Spinach provides iron, as well as vitamins B9 (folic acid), folate, potassium, and sodium. This helps promote blood flow and fight heart disease. Kale cabbage is very rich in flavonoids and provides a supply of antioxidants which promote immune defenses. Parsley will bring fluidity to the blood and promote oxygen supply.
* The exotic cocktail
Ingredients: A piece of turmeric (only a few dozen grams), a piece of ginger (less than 100 g), 4 slices of pineapple, 1 whole orange, 1 lemon.
Recipe: Cut all the ingredients into large pieces and put them in the juice extractor. This mixture is a real cocktail of vitamins (vitamin C in particular) because of the pineapple which will provide immunostimulants and antibacterials. Turmeric will act as a very powerful anti-inflammatory and very rich in antioxidants. Ginger helps fight mainly digestive problems but also various infections or the appearance of signs of fatigue .