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Article: Natural remedies for sleep apnea

Il existe des remèdes naturels aidant à lutter contre l'apnée du sommeil. Les gummies sommeil et le CBD font parti de ces remèdes.

Natural remedies for sleep apnea

In France, sleep apnea syndrome (SAS), characterized by involuntary interruptions in breathing at night, affects approximately 19.7% of adults and up to 30.5% of people over 70 years old.

Sleep apnea usually occurs without a person being aware of it. However, this sleep disorder can have serious repercussions on a person's health and quality of life.


What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by intermittent pauses in breathing, often accompanied by snoring or strangling sounds.

These breathing pauses are due to a narrowing or partial blockage of the airways. They can last from a few seconds to several minutes; and often occur several times per hour.

Sleep apnea, when left untreated, can have health implications with an increased risk of cardiovascular problems, and cause a drop in oxygen saturation, a feeling of suffocation in the chest, an increase in blood pressure, and frequent awakenings during the night which can disrupt the quality of sleep.

Although sleep apnea is more common in people who are overweight or obese, it can also affect people who regularly drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, or suffer from respiratory diseases and tonsillitis.

Five natural remedies for sleep apnea:

5 Natural Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Adopting good habits can sometimes be enough to reduce sleep apnea and improve sleep quality. For people who are overweight or obese, it is recommended to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight by practicing regular physical activity .

Stopping or reducing the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and coffee is also beneficial in limiting the risk of sleep apnea. In addition, it is advisable not to consume rich meals just before sleeping and to wait at least two hours before going to bed.

In parallel with a good hygiene of life , Délicure recommends that you apply these five natural remedies, and accessible to all, to limit sleep apnea and fight against its inconveniences:

Work on your breathing

Before going to bed, you can do some breathing exercises to improve the quality of sleep, limit the risk of sleep apnea and its symptoms.
“Diaphragmatic breathing” is highly recommended to improve breathing capacity and manage stress. To do this, lie on your back with a pillow to support your head and bend your knees slightly. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, making your stomach rise without moving your chest; then exhale slowly through your mouth, contracting your abdominal muscles to push the air out. You can repeat this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes.
"Alternate nostril breathing" is also ideal for better oxygenating the brain and promoting relaxation before bedtime. Sit comfortably in a seated position, with your back straight; close the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale slowly through the left nostril. Then, close the left nostril with your right ring finger and exhale slowly through the right nostril. Then, reverse the nostrils and repeat this cycle for 5 to 10 minutes.
Before going to bed, you can do these two exercises every day and as many times as you want.

Change sleeping position

If you have sleep apnea, the recommended sleeping position is usually sleeping on your side. This position can help reduce airway obstructions, improve breathing during sleep, and reduce snoring. Sleeping on your back is not recommended because it can cause the tissues in your throat to relax and make sleep apnea worse. If you are unable to sleep on your side, you can use a body pillow to support you and prevent you from rolling over onto your back during the night.

Drink relaxing herbal teas

Plants have been used for thousands of years as natural remedies for everyday ailments. To limit sleep apnea , the use of certain plants with sedative and soothing properties can be very effective. They are generally consumed in the form of infusions to be drunk 1 hour before bedtime.

By promoting relaxation, these plants help improve the quality of sleep naturally. Chamomile and valerian, thanks to their powerful relaxing action, help reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to fall asleep. Passionflower and linden are also two plants with relaxing effects that reduce nervousness before bedtime, help you fall asleep more quickly and prevent unexpected awakenings during the night.

Take melatonin supplements

Most dietary supplements targeted to combat sleep disorders contain melatonin. This hormone plays an important role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, also called the circadian cycle. It can help limit sleep apnea by facilitating the onset of sleep and improving the quality of sleep. By regulating the sleep-wake cycle, melatonin promotes deeper and more restful sleep, which can help reduce the number of sleep apnea episodes.

Délicure offers a dietary supplement "Radiant Sleep" in the form of gummies. These apple-flavored jelly candies are enriched with plants with relaxing properties (passion flower, linden and poppy), vitamins and melatonin. To benefit from their benefits, it is recommended to chew two gummies 30 minutes before going to bed.

Consume CBD

Extracted from the hemp plant, CBD is a natural molecule with potential therapeutic properties. Consuming CBD before going to bed would promote relaxation and help reduce sleep apnea. Today, there are many CBD-based products that could help fight sleep disorders (including sleep apnea), including CBD oils for sleeping which, in addition to being easy to use, provide relaxing effects very quickly.

Délicure's organic CBD oil for strong sleep

Délicure offers a product to naturally combat sleep disorders: an organic CBD oil based on vegetable oil, phyto cannabinoids and plants, melatonin and essential oil. This product is natural, made in France and guaranteed to be THC-free, the psychotropic molecule in cannabis considered dangerous for health.

Extracted from the hemp plant, CBD is a natural molecule with potential therapeutic properties. Consuming CBD before going to bed would promote relaxation and help reduce sleep apnea. Today, there are many CBD-based products that could help fight sleep disorders (including sleep apnea), including CBD oils which, in addition to being easy to use, provide relaxing effects very quickly. CBD oil is a natural product that effectively fights sleep disorders, including sleep apnea.


This product contains CBD, poppy, passionflower and melatonin, this combination helps reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and restore quality sleep.

Finally, organic CBD oil is composed of orange blossom essential oil. Known for its soothing action.

Directions for use

Organic CBD oil should be consumed about thirty minutes before going to sleep. To use it, it is very simple, just place a few drops of oil under the tongue, an area enriched with blood vessels. By consuming the oil in this way, the CBD molecule quickly diffuses into the bloodstream. The soothing effects are felt in just a few minutes.

Regarding the quantity of oil to consume, Délicure provides you with a personalized CBD calculator . To obtain your ideal CBD dosage, simply enter your weight and the intensity of the desired effects.


Please note that this product does not replace medical treatment prescribed for sleep apnea and its symptoms. Before any consumption, we invite pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as people undergoing medication to consult the advice of a doctor or health professional.


Here is a table summarizing all the information contained in this article:

Subject Description
Definition of sleep apnea A disorder characterized by intermittent pauses in breathing, often accompanied by snoring, due to a narrowing or partial blockage of the airways.
Consequences of untreated sleep apnea Increased risk of cardiovascular problems, decreased oxygen saturation, frequent awakenings, feeling of suffocation, and increased blood pressure.
Risk factors Overweight, obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking, respiratory diseases, tonsillitis.
Remedy 1: Breathing exercises Techniques: Diaphragmatic breathing and alternate nostril breathing to improve breathing capacity and reduce stress.
Remedy 2: Change position Sleep on your side rather than your back to limit airway obstructions. Use a body pillow to maintain position.
Remedy 3: Herbal infusions Use of chamomile, valerian, passionflower and linden for their sedative effect, to be consumed as an infusion 1 hour before bedtime.
Remedy 4: Melatonin Supplements Melatonin helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Example: “Radiant Sleep” by Délicure, relaxing herbal gummies and melatonin.
Remedy 5: CBD consumption CBD promotes relaxation before bedtime. Examples: CBD oils for sleeping, including Délicure's organic CBD oil for strong sleep.

All the tips/natural remedies will not replace medical advice which is strongly recommended in the context of sleep apnea.

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