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Article: Natural remedies for brittle nails

Soignez naturellement vos ongles avec ces 3 remèdes de grand-mère !

Natural remedies for brittle nails

Nails are made up of a protein called keratin, which is continuously produced by the body. This protein provides strength, strength and shine to nails. If they are abused on a daily basis or poorly maintained, the nails lose their keratin and become fragile.

Whatever their causes, damaged nails require regular care. Fortunately, there are grandmother's remedies to strengthen brittle or splitting nails. Here are the three best natural remedies to find stronger, healthier-looking nails:

Olive oil: an essential asset for brittle nails

Olive oil, a nourishing asset.

There is no secret to finding stronger nails , you have to take care of them regularly. Olive oil is particularly an ideal product for restoring strength and shine to weakened nails.

Thanks to its nourishing properties, olive oil improves nail flexibility and softens dry nails. It deeply nourishes the nail matrix and gives it protection against external aggressions. This natural product is therefore ideal for repairing brittle and rapidly splitting nails.

To benefit from the virtues of olive oil, you must gently massage your nails with a few drops of olive oil. This treatment should be carried out every day to restore strength to damaged nails.

Lemon: a boost for weakened nails  

Lemon, a whitening ally.

Lemon is one of the best grandmother's remedies for treating weakened nails. In fact, it naturally restores vitality to the nails .

Often used in the beauty industry, lemon is a natural antiseptic and anti-breakage. Its revitalizing properties help strengthen soft, brittle and damaged nails. Lemon is also effective in whitening yellow nails.

It is therefore recommended to use lemon juice at least once a week. To do this, mix fresh lemon juice with vegetable oil. For example, lemon goes perfectly with olive oil. The mixture should be applied to the nails with a gentle massage.

Green myrtle essential oil: a regenerating ally for damaged nails


Green myrtle essential oil, a precious help.

Green myrtle essential oil has regenerating and revitalizing properties. This natural remedy restores health to weakened and brittle nails.

This essential oil has the virtue of renewing cells and strengthening the structure of the nail. It thus promotes healthy nail growth and improves the quality of the skin around the nails. Please note, however, that essential oils should be used with caution, especially in children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

To treat damaged nails and prevent breakage, it must be applied locally. To do this, you must dilute a few drops of this oil in a neutral base. The ideal is to combine it with sweet almond oil. The latter strengthens and deeply hydrates soft and weakened nails.


Strengthen brittle nails with Délicure gummies


Damaged and brittle nails require special care to regain strength. But that's not all, they also need to be nourished from the inside out to stay healthy.

There are a large number of food supplements targeted for the beauty and shine of nails. These products contain essential vitamins and nutrients for strengthening nails. They give a boost and compensate for the nutritional deficiencies responsible for brittle nails.

Discover our Glowing Hair gummies to restore vigor to nails!

Délicure offers a fun, delicious, vegan and Made in France food supplement. It comes in the form of soft candies with delicious natural fruit flavors.

Délicure hair gummies are rich in vitamins (vitamin B6, vitamin B8, vitamin B9, vitamin B12 and vitamin E), minerals (zinc and selenium) and blueberry. This formula has been carefully studied to strengthen weakened hair and brittle nails.

A three-month course is strongly recommended to improve the condition of the nails and accelerate their regrowth. As with all food supplements, this treatment must be followed as part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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