Sleep: how to fall asleep quickly?
Adequate sleep duration and quality is essential for the body, in fact, it helps it maintain and regulate the various vital functions. It also improves the general state of physical health, and allows the brain to cleanse itself of waste and toxins accumulated during the day.
However, we do not all have the same needs when it comes to the amount of sleep we need. Some people can get by with 5 hours of rest per night, while others cannot get out of bed without having slept 8 hours, at the risk of feeling tired throughout the day.
The same goes for falling asleep. Some people just have to put their head on their pillow to fall asleep, while others turn over several times in bed while waiting, for a longer or shorter time, to fall asleep.
A noisy environment, stress, pain, poor bedding, excess caffeine or even certain illnesses can disrupt falling asleep and have repercussions on the quality of sleep.
There is no miracle cure to fall asleep in a few seconds, but several tricks can help you fall asleep more quickly.

Here are 7 simple and effective tips to apply before going to bed:
To help you fall asleep without taking medication, try these 7 tips before going to bed:
Take a hot bath or shower
To promote relaxation, taking a hot bath or shower in the evening a few hours before bedtime is very effective. Hot water helps relax muscles and release tension built up during the day.
A hot bath or a hot shower is therefore good preparation to promote rapid falling asleep.
Do meditation
To calm the mind and fall asleep more easily and more sustainably, meditation is ideal.
Meditation is a free activity that is accessible to all and helps to relieve stress and pain, better manage emotions, improve mood and relax; which directly impacts the quality of sleep.
Meditation consists of focusing on your breathing, observing your inhalations and exhalations. You must take deep breaths, then exhale for a long time (it is possible to hold the air for a few seconds before exhaling). This breathing exercise must be repeated 5 times, it allows more oxygen to be brought to the nervous system, which causes a state of relaxation and relaxation.
Then, you need to focus your attention on each part of the body, while maintaining part of your attention on your breathing. This method allows you to identify areas of tension.
During meditation, it is also advisable to think about positive moments of the day that is ending, and to imagine a place (real or imaginary) similar to a haven of peace in which one feels good and the mind can escape.
Meditation can be practiced on the bed or on the floor on a mat, sitting or lying down. Sitting allows for a clear separation between the states of meditation and sleep, while lying down allows for an easier and faster transition to sleep.

Limit the consumption of stimulants
Stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas and energy drinks are sleep disruptors.
These products contain caffeine, which acts as a stimulant, and are diuretics, which dehydrate the body more quickly.
Consumed before bedtime, they prevent you from falling asleep quickly, cause you to wake up repeatedly during the night, promote the feeling of thirst and increase your heart rate. Sleep therefore no longer becomes restorative.
These drinks should be replaced with herbal teas/infusions made from calming plants which help to calm the nerves and prepare for sleep.
Avoid screens
Screens (smartphones, tablets, computers, television) and their blue light tend to slow down the production of melanin and therefore melatonin (sleep hormone). They delay and therefore prevent falling asleep.
Before going to bed, it is therefore advisable to turn off your devices and focus on a relaxing activity such as reading. Indeed, reading a book allows you to escape and put your problems aside by thinking about something else. Reading thus contributes to falling asleep more quickly and to a better quality of sleep.
Choosing good bedding
Comfortable bedding adapted to your needs facilitates a restful and rapid sleep. Poor quality bedding has direct negative repercussions on the quality of sleep and can generate physical pain (neck or back).
In addition, it is important to change your blankets depending on the season: sleeping too covered in summer or not covered enough in winter can delay falling asleep.
Sleeping in a quiet environment
To fall asleep quickly and have a good night's restful sleep, the bedroom should be quiet and dimly lit.
Noise and light can be distracting and make it difficult to fall asleep, especially for hypersensitive people.
In addition, the temperature of the bedroom should not be too hot because the body temperature may be high, which promotes sweating and makes it difficult to fall asleep.
Take herbal supplements that help with relaxation
There are many herbal supplements that help promote better quality sleep and combat sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia and nighttime awakenings.
Indeed, many plants such as lime blossom, verbena, chamomile, passion flower and lemon balm have the virtue of promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
In case of mild sleep disorders, they are an alternative to chemical drugs such as anxiolytics or sleeping pills.
Délicure offers vegan “Sleep” gummies made in France with natural flavors. Their composition rich in plants (lime blossom, passion flower and poppy), vitamins (B5 and B6) and melatonin (sleep hormone) helps to facilitate falling asleep and limit waking up during the night.
It is recommended to take two gummies, 30 minutes before bedtime, to relax and fall asleep quickly.
Being natural, these gummies do not cause side effects, nor addiction, and have no danger to health.
To benefit from a good night's sleep, Délicure also offers a CBD + CBN good night oil . Based on organic sweet almond oil, this oil is enriched with broad spectrum CBD, CBN (cannabinol) and orange blossom essential oil. It does not contain THC and is made in a French laboratory with high quality CBD.
CBD , a molecule derived from the hemp plant, is said to have a positive effect on the limbic system of the brain, which contains many endocannabinoids as well as CB1 and CB2 receptors. According to some studies*, the latter plays an essential role in maintaining mental health and emotional well-being.
Consuming CBD before going to bed allows you to relax by releasing all tension, and thus promotes falling asleep more quickly .
Before going to bed, just a few drops of oil are enough to promote relaxation and fall asleep more quickly. These drops can be placed under the tongue (the effects will be felt in a few minutes) or in drinks (herbal teas, infusions, etc.).
In the event of significant and repetitive sleep disorders (insomnia, sleep apnea, night awakenings, etc.) which affect quality of life, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment.